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Thanks for a GREAT weekend!


To all who volunteered, attended events and supported GVMPA and our students on this busy weekend....THANK YOU. Friday's football game was our highest-revenue Shack night of the season thus far. All who volunteered worked very hard and rarely got a break. THANK YOU. Additionally, we wore our yellow, made lemonade and donated hundreds of dollars to Alex's Lemonade Stand, and donated 79 hotdogs to youth football and cheerleading participants. Lastly, we fed 70+ students and staff, loaded and unloaded marching band equipment (twice), and enjoyed participating in the Marching Patriots' 1st Place finish (and High Percussion Award) at the Downingtown West Cavalcade event on Saturday night. All-in-all a fun, rewarding, successful (and mildly tiring) weekend.



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